Thursday 4 August 2016

Body odor which is also called is an unpleasant smell from ones body as a result of action of bacteria on a particular area of the body which can be armpit,foot, breast,hair regions,groin or pubic areas. It can be caused as result of some drug reactions,alcoholism, dirty environment, lack of personal hygiene and food intake. Body odor is so irritating that it can lead to low self esteem,dissociation from friends,general low performance and depression as the person might be labeled”smelly”. A person with body odor might not notice that he still has it after some period of time because his/her nose is used to the smell.
 1. Apply diluted lemon juice: lemon juice is a natural antibacterial and antifungal agent. It can be used as a fast release from body odor when applied to the affected area such as the foot, armpit, groin or pubic area.
 USAGE: pour a diluted lemon juice into a clean wash cloth or hanky and rob in the affected area. Dilute the lemon juice with water and apply at least 3times in a day for some weeks. Wash off before applying another one. The essence of doing this is to remove a dead skin and old sweat in the armpit that might be causing the odor.
 CAUTION: lemon juice is very acidic and it can cause skin to be very irritated, so make use of diluted little amount and make sure you wash out after some time.

2. Rub alum stone on the area that emits the odor: alum contains material that fights against bacteria which creates body odor. if you sweat profusely consider washing the alum stone after rubbing. It can be used together with deodorant.

 3. Make use of deodorant: Deodorant covers the smell or eliminate it entirely.

 4. Practice good personal hygiene such as:
  Bath regularly: if you discover that your body is a little bit smelly just go and take a shower. It is important to make use of antibacterial soap or detergent to bath. When taking bath focus more on the area where the odor is coming from. Rinse your body very well and dry off completely with a clean dry towel.
      Shave regularly: since hair absorb odor regularly, it is necessary to shave regularly.
      Wash you cloth regularly: try to wash your cloth at least every time you sweat using soap or detergent that has a good fragrance and iron them.
 Always put on a good dress to look good and charming.
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